Data-driven Group Commerce Specialist – Central Jutland

Anonymous / Midtjylland
Can you bring data and insights together to improve commerce performance? Are you passionate about delivering great results and building strong relationships? Do you want to leave your mark in a global company? Then apply today and explain why you are the right candidate for the job.

On a journey towards a digital first approach

The company is a global provider that is leading within its field. With a special focus on sustainability, quality and innovation, the products are designed to meet specific customer needs and are used in various industries in over 100 markets.

To strengthen the commercial performance and gain a more digital approach, we are now looking for a Group Commerce Specialist. In this role, you will be in charge of developing and executing data-driven inbound and outbound marketing campaigns. The goal is to deliver leads and revenue and to bring data, analysis and insights to the frontline and secure involvement and commitment from key stakeholders across subsidiaries.

Your areas of responsibility and job tasks will be:

  • Creating, maintaining, and optimizing digital flows
  • Developing, implementing and offering support to all business units regarding both the global website and CRM platform
  • Responsible for the digital marketing strategy (SEO / SEM) with a special focus on delivering a strong and relevant customer journey for both current and potential customers
  • Securing development and execution of email marketing including segmentation, testing, deployment, and improvement
  • Creating SoMe plans together with the commercial team and local marketing managers

You will be part of the Commercial Team which is located in Central Jutland. From here, you will become the go-to sparring partner for business units across the organization when it comes to commerce and digital marketing.

Proactive and hands-on specialist

In order to succeed as the new Group Commerce Specialist, you will have to hit the ground running and focus on building strong relationships across the entire group.

You are a commercial marketing professional who thrives in optimizing campaigns and is passionate about B2B and data optimization. Your educational background is probably within the field of e-commerce and digital marketing ideally with a focus on customer journeys and usage of CRM systems as part of the omnichannel marketing mix.

As a colleague, you are self-driven, proactive, energetic, and supportive. You are a do’er who succeeds in creating great results by being hands-on and having great stakeholder management skills. Your curiosity fuels you in your day-to-day life where you are open to new technological possibilities such as AI. Moreover, you are fluent in English and speak Danish or are willing to learn.

A global workforce

Your future workplace has offices in multiple countries and one key word ties it all together: knowledge. You can look forward to becoming a part of a company with a rich knowhow that is constantly put towards creating great solutions for the customers.

The ability and the willingness to go above and beyond sets the company apart from the rest and as a result, the employees are extremely proud of the products. If you wish to become a part of a passionate organization with high ambitions, look no further!


Send your CV to us by pushing the red button below that says 'Søg jobbet'. All materials are treated as confidential, and we follow the General Data Protection Regulation laws. We look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to contact us, should you have any questions regarding this job position or the recruitment process.

Marlie is out office in the following weeks: 28, 29 and 30, while Steen Klindt Ejlertsen is out of office in these weeks: 28, 29, 30 and 31.

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Marlie Hede

Marlie Hede


Med mange års ledelseserfaring, blandt andet som direktør i tekstilbranchen, og som selvstændig inden for virksomheds- og karriererådgivning, har Marlie opbygget et stort netværk. Kombineret med en bred uddannelsesmæssig baggrund, er Marlie skarp på analyse af virksomheder og deres behov, og da hun samtidigt er en sand menneskekender, som bruger sin intuition er grundlaget for stærke resultater sikret. Marlie brænder for optimering og udvikling af virksomheder og mennesker i deres karriereliv. Med sin ambitiøse tilgang til at skabe værdi og resultater bidrager Marlie med stærke faglige kompetencer og en vindende personlighed til gavn for hele holdet.

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Steen Klindt Ejlertsen

Steen Klindt Ejlertsen

CEO & Partner

Fra sin erfaring fra nationale og internationale virksomheder har vores adm. direktør, Steen, opnået stor ledelses- og forretningsmæssig erfaring. Med en både teoretisk og praktisk erfaring i bagagen har han stærke kompetencer indenfor udvikling af organisationer og i særdeleshed i forhold til personale. Igennem sin erhvervskarriere har Steen opbygget et stærkt og solidt netværk på tværs af brancher – især indenfor salg, produktion og reklame. Steens personlige engagement, kommunikative egenskaber og gode humør gør ham til en naturlig del af teamet her hos HumanTrust A/S.

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